I get alot of questions about sugar...should you eat it at all, Is substitute sugar good and if so which ones are best.... You know, I'm sure you have asked yourselves the same things. Well I have found that we do need some sugar in our life, you just need to know what kinds and when you should eat them. So here is what I have found in my research....
First off we should be eating natural, simple sugars. When we workout we deplete muscle glycogen, which is the primary fuel source for our muscles. Therefore we should consume those natural, simple sugars like coconut water, fresh fruits and dates in the hour immediately following our workouts. Foods sweetened with honey or agave are also good choices after a workout. Watch out for substitutes like equal and splenda for example, they still have chemicals in them...Instead look for all Natural ones that end in "via" like Truvia and Stevia.
The Second thing I found was to AVOID eating these Foods before a workout, even though they are the healthy choice they will cause a spike and drop in blood sugar causing you to "crash" mid workout.
So that is my take on sugar!!